Monday, April 6, 2009

PLEASE leave your comments about "The Mormon Church and the Curse of Cain Legacy"

Leave your comments below. Thanks.


  1. would you contact me plz 801 485 2305

  2. Darrick,
    It's 8-16-09. Read everything in this site. I cannot thank you enough for the information. I firmly believe that the Lord is absolutely pleased with your honesty, and I believe it to be so. By the way, I am a fairly recent convert to the LDS church,and active, along with my wife and children, and in no way does this material undermine or diminish my faith and love for this church and the Restored Gospel. I haven't read your reasons for leaving the Church, but I wish that you would just revisit your own expressed sentiments and realize (1,the Church is full of imperfect people including its leaders, as you have so intuitively detailed, and (2,how much richer the Church would be the instant you re-embraced it. Just a heads up brother ... I'm going to be praying for that to take place, so watch out! Ha. In fact, I'd be gratefull if you would call me ... I promise I won't badger you ... just want to encourage you to give it some prayerfull consideration. That's all. 719-3201760. e-mail is God bless! Paul Coats

  3. Great work on your website. The most fair and balanced information I have been able to find on this issue. It seems there is so much hateful anti mormon literature or pro church propaganda that the truth is hard to find. I also left the church because of its unwillingness to be honest about its history on this topic as well as others. This site helped me on my college senior thesis in anthropology so thanks!

  4. All I have to say is Wow!*

  5. Joseph Smith said:

    One of the grand fundamental principles of Mormonism is to receive truth, let it come from whence it may.

    Not intended as a verdict on your research, but rather encouragement in your quest for truth.

    -from a good standing Latter Day Saint

  6. I've recently come back to the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints and after 7 long years I bore my testimony, I have never felt so sure and determine about the gospel since my YW years. I'm 25, recently divorced with 2 kids, coming back to church I knew alot of members would judge me, but only Heavenly Father can judge me, and I feel the pain and disappointment you may think you have for the church but understand that "the curse of cain" was of the past and those who were involved will be judged for their false and misleading teachings. If you think about it it's not a big deal when it comes to the eternal realm of things. You believe what you write, and yes you are entitled to your opinion, but knowing what you write is more powerful than just believing.
    Just remember "THE CHURCH IS PERFECT, BUT THE PEOPLE ARE NOT!" nobody is. Take care. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
    feel free to email me

  7. I am a 23 year old born and raised member of the Church, and while I knew of the priesthood ban, it was only in a vague, disconnected sense. I want to thank you for your article; it was detailed, clear, and helped me understand the issue and the history of it. Everything else I'd searched on the internet was either very anti-mormon and too full of vitriol to make me want to read it, or too pro-mormon, concerning itself with trying to make the Church look good. While I can understand each side's motivations (even the anti, I suppose), your article helped me to just take a look and say "ok, what's the deal with this." Thank you for your thoroughness and fair-mindedness on the issue. It makes me a little sad that the Church has decided to deny this history outright, but our leaders are, after all, just men, and prone to mistakes. I hope that soon we'll be able to discuss and overcome this openly, and let hurt feelings and confusion be resolved through open communication. Thank you once again.

  8. Enjoyed you article, at the end you seem to have alot of hatred towards the LDS leadership and it just can't be over your work. I hope you've found some peaace. Times change and thats good. What you've said has never been denied by anyone I've been around, of course I am over 50. I must say, and this is not part of Black History, that the husband is the head of the family if he follows and loves the Lord and then his wife can follow and love him as well. Jan Freeman

  9. Dear K-Moe,

    You wrote:
    ""the curse of cain" was of the past and those who were involved will be judged for their false and misleading teachings."

    The "Prophets" of the Mormon Church taught the Curse of Cain Doctrine, as "doctrine", for 130 years. Now, "new" Mormon prophets say it was a "mistake" or "we never taught it". If a "mistake", then former Mormon prophets were NOT led by God? Then HOW are "new" Mormon Prophets "led" by God? Perhaps NEITHER have been "led" by God!???

  10. Nice article but many inaccurate interpretations. I am 30 and am well familiar with the blacks and priesthood.
    ON page 1 the final paragraph. You state that:” Why Joseph W.B. Johnson was not exed for claiming a Divine Revelation is not at all clear.”
    The church and leader encourage us to have divine revelation, in fact many members do have visions of Christ and revelation daily. Though the 15 apostles, prophets sears and revelators are the ones who have authority to receive revelation for the entire church. I as a ward member cannot receive revelation for how the church should run as a whole but can receive revelation for myself and family and have revelation from Christ.
    You write: “No Mormon President or Apostle has claimed to receive any supernatural visions or "Thus saith the LORD" revelation since 1907.”
    Funny you would write that as you even quote President Kimball has asked that I now read this letter:
    June 8, 1978 about the priesthood. This is an example of thus Saith the Lord

    You must not be very familiar with what the church has done in the last 30 years. There have been many revelations daily.
    As in why you chose the Bahi Faith that is a quandary. My issue with it is that that faith picks from different religions what sounds good. And the most is it teaches an incorrect doctrine on the nature of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.


  11. Thank you for your research on this topic. I am an African-American Protestant Christian, and I have always been told that the Mormon church was riddled with internal racist beliefs dating back to its beginning. I tended to cast doubt on these ideas because many of my good friends are Mormons and are blessed with high moral principles, yet claim to have never heard of the idea of a Black-priest ban. After a little research, I was surprised at the depths that the Church would go to discount and deny its racist past. Even my Mormon friends were stunned at the revelation of this!

    Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were prophets of this faith. Yet, their acceptance of this clearly demonstrates that their doctrine was not that of a prophet of Christ Jesus.

    I agree with D. Evenson's comment. A prophet of God may make mistakes in his life (afterall, he is only human) But the Word of God is INFALLIBLE. This "untruth" has been a part of the Mormon dogma for over a century and has been accepted by all its leaders until rather recently.

    When does a prophet of God cease to become a prophet? The LDS seems to believe that this "oversight" was no big deal and not worth an explanation! I believe that any policy that has an effect on the makeup of your priesthood strikes at the very foundation of your core beliefs!

    To be clear. The LDS owes no apology or explanation to anyone other than its own leaders and members. The truth shall set you free!

  12. what a bunch of lemmings. Darrick, I can't believe that you are not a plant. Why are you shilling for a cult, and worse a hate group which has has had several "living Prophets" who are, by their own admission,God's own spokesperson and are openly racist.I refer you to Steve Bensons' remenicinces about his grandfather as a more recent example, (on the recovery from mormonism website). I was raised in the so called missionfield in the post-jim Crow south and I assure you that there are plenty of racists in the church, although you would never know that, now would you? However subtily, however exquisit these attitudes may express themselves, they have the net effect of marginalizing women, minorities, and the LGBT community by perpetuating the myth that white men are superior. religon is just a form of modern tribalisim. Belive me the last thing I want to do is patronize someone whose acumen and analitical skills probably exceed my own (i have ADHD), but, you should read Jared Diamonds' books and go from there brother

  13. Great article -- very informative. I've always questioned why any Black person would want to join a Church which fairly recently held views that were racist.
